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Showing posts with the label email writing
Full Mark  Training on Main Paper Qn 33 Email Writing (Pri 5-6) In 1 session, students learn: Definitions of question key words, answering objectives. I.E: 目的、介绍、详情 Grasp and application of answering scope.  Sentence construction to transform key points to answer Email/Letter Writing format and punctuation Actual Practice Date & Time:  7 June Fri 3-5pm (2 places) 8 June Sat 3-5pm (2 places) 9 June Sun 11.30-1.30pm ( 2  1 places) 9 June Sun 3-5pm (2 places) Price: $80 Contact: 8782 0440 or email Venue: Bukit Batok St 24 (near PIE) Lu Laoshi is a bilingual local ex-MOE teacher who has been teaching PSLE as her core curriculum for 17yrs. She is PSLE external chief invigilator, PSLE marker and Oral examiner during her tenure with MOE. for more info on teacher, visit Lu Laoshi Official thread here: