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Showing posts with the label lulaoshi 2014

Learning how to be appreciative of Chinese language

Over time, Lu Laoshi's students will learn to appreciate Chinese language and find it fun to use it! With hard work and proper guidance, Lu Laoshi has raise interest of the language in many students!


LU LAO SHI IS 2014 Strategic Class is open for Registrations Secure yourSeats Now ($150.00 Deposit)!!        (Terms and conditions apply) ________________________________________________________________________________ Weekday Classes: (Primary 6 PSLE Intensive Training Class) $500.00 Per 4 lessons Primary 6  Combined Course   (Full Components) Wednesday 3:00pm - 7:30pm (4 Lessons of 4 hours)  - (FULL) (PRIMARY 5 Training Class) $400.00 Per 4 lessons Primary 5  Combined Course   (Full Components) Tuesday  3:00pm - 7:30pm (4 Lesson of 4 hours)  - OPEN for Registration , 3 students  to Start. Friday 3:00pm - 7:30pm (4 Lesson of 4 hours)  - (FULL) (PRIMARY 4 Training Class) $250.00 Per 4 lessons Primary 4  Combined Course   (Full Components) Monday  3:30pm - 7:00pm (4 Lesson of 3 hours)  - Commencing in January 2014 Thursday...