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Showing posts with the label lu lao shi classes

2017 Class Timetable has been updated

Dear Parents, LuLaoshi has updated the class timetable! Contact us to find out more today!

MyLuLaoshi 2017 PSLE Strategic Course Timetable is out!

Dear Parents, The class timetable for 2017 is out! Contact us to find out more!

Learning how to be appreciative of Chinese language

Over time, Lu Laoshi's students will learn to appreciate Chinese language and find it fun to use it! With hard work and proper guidance, Lu Laoshi has raise interest of the language in many students!

Lu Lao Shi's Students in Secondary School

Even in Secondary School, Lu Lao Shi's Students remember her and appreciate what she has done for them.  Natasha and Kailing are great examples... Students remember how Lu Lao Shi has strengthened their foundation which made learning Chinese in Secondary school much easier for them. Good on you Natasha and Kailing! Lu Lao Shi is indeed proud of you.