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Showing posts with the label psle chinese class

2017 PSLE Memo. School's unprepared for SA1.

Dear Parents, 2017 PSLE memo is out. Current Pri 6 parents will receive a printed copy of Official Dates, Exam conduct, Result appeals, Secondary School application and DSA. Oral Time Trials are on-going. 2017 New Pri 6 intake  candidates seem inexperienced to New Format Chinese Oral exam and have to learn from Pri 4 foundation. Schools don't seem to have prepared students for 2017 PSLE new format. It's in our hands. Lu Laoshi is reviewing how schools are preparing their Pri 6 cohort for SA1 Oral to decide whether to conduct training workshops for Primary School teachers. Primary 6 classes are completing syllabuses in May. After our SA1 Time Trials, we will be move on to intensive Comprehension training.

MyLuLaoshi 2017 PSLE Strategic Course Timetable is out!

Dear Parents, The class timetable for 2017 is out! Contact us to find out more!
Mel has been Lu Lao Shi's longest supporter. All 3 sons been through Lu Lao Shi's intensive program and have benefited greatly from the course. Mel is a very concerned parent that works closely with Lu Lao Shi on how to optimise her Sons potential through effectively following up the reports provided by Lu Lao Shi. Her Sons have  enjoyed their tenure with the teacher and found the strategies most useful for acing their examinations. Mel is a parent that NEVER Compromises on her Sons results and will ensure that the reports provided by teacher are given due attention.

Lu Lao Shi Trophies 2015

  Through the years our clients have been most supportive of the Lu Lao Shi Methodology. Parents have faith in the strategies applied and the intensity of the course keeping their child on the edge of competition.

Thank You Lu Lao Shi



2014 PSLE TIME TABLE IS OUT... Count Down with Lu Lao Shi Time table from 2014 PSLE Chinese Oral Examination 2014 PSLE Chinese Listening Comprehension Examination 2014 PSLE Chinese Written Examination

Thank you Lu Lao Shi

MORE TESTIMONIALS FOR LU LAO SHI... Parents have came and witnessed how Lu Lao Shi made a difference in their child's Chinese Education. They are convinced on Lu Lao Shi's Strategies and techniques, you can be NEXT!!! Stay tuned for more testimonials posted. Watch how strategies are transformed into proven results...

Lu Lao Shi's Students in Secondary School

Even in Secondary School, Lu Lao Shi's Students remember her and appreciate what she has done for them.  Natasha and Kailing are great examples... Students remember how Lu Lao Shi has strengthened their foundation which made learning Chinese in Secondary school much easier for them. Good on you Natasha and Kailing! Lu Lao Shi is indeed proud of you.

SMS Trophies for Lu Lao Shi

SMS TROPHIES Parents still remember what Lu Lao Shi has done for them until today and are thankful on how she has helped their kids build a strong foundation for Chinese.      


Thank you Kay for your support and trust in Lu Lao Shi. Because of your support, you have achieved your objectives and your Girl Dionne has got her A STAR!!!