
Getting to know Lu Laoshi Part 4

This is the last part of the series of sharing by Shi Hui! Other than tips and time management in PSLE Chinese, Laoshi also teach strategies to students. Here's one of the strategies which helped Shi Hui in Paper 2. Enrol our courses to learn more! - E.F.O. Method in answering questions in Paper 2 - At Lu Lao Shi’s Learning Centre, Lu Lao Shi has many tips to score our grades that we deserve! For Paper 2, comprehension cloze, there are various tips that Lu Lao Shi teaches, but one of the greatest tips is E.F.O. This tip is for questions that ask 为什么 _____? These are the steps to nail these types of questions: 1. Highlight the keywords 2. Highlight the answer from the passage 3. 直抄/转换 E.g. 我=作者 4. 推想 E.F.O stands for events, feelings and objective. Using the E.F.O method, find the event of the answer that you’ve found in the passage. The objective and feelings that the author/narrator gives may be left for you to infer. In order for you secure your marks to score the full

Getting to know Lu Laoshi Part 3

Laoshi also share tips with students now and then! Here's one of the many tips which Laoshi shares with her students! - How to manage time when doing Paper 2? - For the Paper 2 segment, Lu Lao Shi encourages us to do the Open Ended section first followed by the MCQ. Having a clear mind and great stamina at the start of the paper allows us to think through the questions and answer them to our greatest potential. by Shi Hui (P6 2016)