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TOP Performers for CA1 2017

CA 1 has passed and Lu Lao Shi is proud to present the TOP Performers! From Pei Hua Presbyterian, 2017 Primary 6 CA 1 Results: 80/90  - Huiwen (2017 P6)  From Pei Hua Presbyterian, 2017 Primary 6 CA 1 Results: 81/90  - Yan Tai (2017 P6)  From ACS Junior, 2017 Primary 5 CA 1 Results: 75.5/90  - Yi Wei (2017 P5) From Woodlands Primary, 2016 Primary 5 SA 2 Results: 95% Overall  No. 2 in School for Chinese Language! - Kai Wei (2017 P6)  These students have applied the right strategies and techniques learned in Lu Laoshi Courses. They have performed and excelled. Congratulations to the TOP Performers for CA1 2017!

2017 Class Timetable has been updated

Dear Parents, LuLaoshi has updated the class timetable! Contact us to find out more today!