2021 Primary 5 ZOOM Oral Crash Course


                    2021 Primary 5 ZOOM Oral Crash Course


Ø  Strictly targeted for SA2 exam sitting and scoring.
Ø  Attendees will receive PowerPoint handouts.
Ø  Mock Oral sessions are personalised with 2 students per session.
Ø  This is the first time most Primary 5 sit for a full Oral exam. Many are inexperienced and uncertain.
Ø  Lu Laoshi is well-known to train Oral exams for full marks for students in her 2yr PSLE regular programme. Now you can catch a glimpse of the expert teacher in action and experience her quality training in the comfort of your home!
Given the exclusivity of places, we are on strictly first-come-first serve basis. Kindly contact 8782 0440 for direct registration.

 Lu Laoshi is a bilingual local bred ex-MOE teacher, PSLE marker and Oral examiner. She is a full-time PSLE specialist over past 18yrs. All lessons are conducted by her personally.


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