2021 PSLE Final Mock Oral Video Conversation

Click on video link:   https://fb.watch/91G9wWcMq0/

Student came to Singapore in Kindergarten, has been with Lu Laoshi since Pri 4. This is his final PSLE Simulated Oral with Lu Laoshi. This is the desired outcome of Lu Laoshi Education. How to approach an exam, the questions, the examiner. High energy, focus and confidence.  Keep on going. 火力全开。Everyone can as long as they are willing to sweat for it. Lu Laoshi will make sure they do.

#pslecoach, #mylulaoshi, #chineseonlinelesson, #primarychinese,  #zoomchineselesson #westchinesetutor, #bukitbatoktutor, #exmoeteacher #pslespecialist #westtuition


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