From our students and parents... Thank You for all your positive feedbacks and encouragements! The 2022 PSLE preparation class, starting in January, is now open for registration. Both physical classes (Bukit Batok) and online classes are available. Register here: . If you have any enquiries, please contact us for more details: Email: Visit our website at #mylulaoshi #pslespecialist #primarychinese #Pri6Chinese #psle chinese #exmoeteacher #chinesetutor #chinesetuition #pslecoach #psleprep #pslecrashcourse #chineseonlinelesson #zoomchineselesson #bukitbatoktutor #batokchineseteacher #westtuition, #chinesetuition
Ex-MOE PSLE Chinese Exam Specialist since 2001 coaching and preparing students for PSLE Chinese Exams - Grades Improvement guaranteed!